What is Walking Rugby?ย 

 In Club, Walking Rugby

The latest addition to the Rugby Family, Walking Rugby is a non-contact form of rugby designed for people of all ages and abilities. Whether you are an established player or youโ€™re new to the game, Walking Rugby is a much simpler version of the traditional rugby game. Players over 80 years of age are known to play. It is enjoying significant growth in England and has now expanded to Wales. Given enough interest, Killarney RFC could be one of the first clubs in Ireland to set up a Walking Rugby section.




What are the rules of Walking Rugby?

Basic rules


Rules in more detail

– The game is played in four 5-minute (or longer by agreement) quarters, with a 2 minute break in between

– Players must not run or jog while the game is in action

– Ball must be passed backwards or transverse (not forward)

– A try is scored by walking over the try line in possession of the ball (indoors by touching the wall)

– Knock-on if the ball is knocked forward and hits another player or the ground (a deliberate knock on is a penalty)

– If the ball hits the ground going backwards itโ€™s available for any on-side player

– A โ€˜tackleโ€™ is made by a two-handed touch to the playerโ€™s upper body

– Alternatively, a defender may attempt to strip the ball, but if not immediately successful they must step back and it becomes a tackle

– Tackled player must pass the ball, from the spot they were touched, without delay

– Touch or turnover sets the off-side line at that spot and defenders must retreat behind it

– Penalty, or other re-start must be at least 3m from the touch line and sets the off-side line 3m back

– Ball in touch the other side re-start with a pass from the point where the ball crossed the line

– Turnover, penalty or other in-field re-start: the player re-starting must tap the ball with foot or knee and may then walk or pass, on-side defenders may advance

– Advantage may be played following any infringement

– If playing with a referee, their decision is final.




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